Awareness and Support Are Key Have you or a loved one had to cancel gatherings with friends or leave events early because of dizzy spells? Do others dismiss it with, “Everyone gets dizzy”? If only they could see what you...
4 Reasons to Keep Your Hearing and Vision in Check
We all know that eyes and ears play a huge role in helping people (and animals!) experience life’s adventures. Seeing and hearing the people, places, and moments that matter will create wonderful, lasting memories. But did you know that seeing...
What Does Hypertension Have to Do With Hearing? Plenty!
We’ve got a tip for your wellness checklist: Keeping your blood pressure down may help keep your hearing up! Both hearing loss and hypertension, or high blood pressure, impact millions of people around the world, but few realize that these...
Diabetes & Hearing Loss: What’s the Deal?
Are hearing impairment and diabetes connected? More than you might think. Hearing loss — which affects nearly one of every four Canadian adults — is twice as common among people living with diabetes, making healthy habits and regular hearing checkups...
Dementia a Real Risk With Hearing Loss
If you think of hearing loss as just an inconsequential part of getting older, you’re not alone. The truth is, however, that the condition can strike even the youngest among us — more than one in 1,000 babies screened has...
Can Prescription Drugs Cause Ringing In the Ears?
Tinnitus, or a ringing in the ears (this can also be a whooshing or pulsing), is generally the first symptom of ototoxicity and is generally short lived, but it can have more permanent symptoms. About Tinnitus Simply defined, tinnitus is...